Sunday, August 2, 2009

Happy August

256 days remaining in this country. It seems so long, but I am already 25% through my tour in Korea. In two weeks it will four months in country, or a solid 33%. I miss my wife, I miss my kid, I miss my life. Though not facing the dander of an operational deployment the family hardship is just the same.

A couple of weeks ago I pulled off the greatest sneak attack of my life. Melissa was in New York and I jumped aboard a big blue Korean Airlines 777 direct to JFK. The surprise was priceless as many of you have probably seen from the video. For those who haven't check it out:

Getting ready for one of the world's largest military exercises. It will be taking up most of the month of August.

Until I blog again...TVP


  1. It was the BEST surprise of my life. Thank you for making this year a little easier;)

  2. It was great seeing you in NY and I know Mel and Ella were glad too. Already booked my tickets to Lawton for Labor Day weekend, so at least Mel will have some company. Hopefully, Chris will join us. God Bless, Love, Madre
