Sorry its been so long...but your friend is back. Kinda figured if I was going to have a weblog I might as well update it! I've been here 75 days now which means I am under 300 days until I take the big silver jet outta here. It is definitely hard being away from my girls but I have been trying to keep busy. Actually getting some use out of my golf clubs-I think I have a new Sunday routine. I starts with NOT drinking on Saturday night. Had a couple of hard party nights...didn't realize that I am not 21 anymore. A night at the bar has me out of commission the next day. Aging is sad. Sundays find me on the course and my game is steadily improving. Golfing here can be interesting. Concentration broken by fighter jets taking off, Patriot missile launchers and South Korean air defense guns serving as a beautiful but realistic backdrop. Koreans LOVE to golf. They are all tricked out in the latest gear, collars popped (which I didn't think you could do before midnight), and they are actually pretty good. Me, that's another story.
Went to the ball a few weekends ago. I was, all and all, a fun night. With liberal libations and great tacos on the streets of Seoul afterwards (fancy dinners never have enough food).
Looking forward to the 4th of July... sometimes living outside the USA makes you realize how much you take being an American for granted.
Nothing beats BBQ, Fireworks, and ice cold American beer!
Keep rockin'...keep machen!
Golfing is sexy babe;) I am so proud of you. Keep busy and October will be here before we know it and I can show you my mad golf skills. Love you. And no more drinking. I want to see the body of Ryan Reynolds on you in a few months;)