Monday, April 20, 2009

Thoughts of the day...

Originally uploaded by citweasel
Busy day at work today...without fail whenever you have to inventory Uncle Sam's war machine it is either a- raining, b- windy, c-cold, or d- all of the above. Today was an all of the above kind of day. Have my cell phone up and running...Korean ringtones include: "Step by Step" and "Hanging Tough" by the NKOTB, "Superfreak", "Uptown Girl", and 1999's "She’s so High"-- very eclectic stuff. My sleep cycle is slowly returning to normal but it is still hard to relate to those of you living in the past. Monday was a pretty good day...enjoy it!

1 comment:

  1. We shall try, but not having you here makes it hard. Love you.
